Carroll Family Holdings

About Joy

Joy is a bookkeeping numbers girl. She grew up entirely in Claremont, California, and went to Loyola Marymount University for a finance degree. In college, she landed a job doing internal accounting work for a small business and loved the work. She worked internally for companies as small as 20 people to as large as 450 people. Since starting her own business she’s personally helped over 300 clients with their bookkeeping in one form or another. Without good financial records, you can’t make sound financial decisions for your business.

About Andrew

Andrew is a 20 year veteran of small businesses. A CPA and financial planner by education and training he has spent his entire career working with and advising small businesses and their owners. With broad experience in both traditional start-ups as well as the small businesses that form the backbone of the American economy – he has worked with hundreds of businesses and developed a keen insight into the needs, behaviors, and realities of the small business owner. His career has spanned the industrys transition from paper systems of the 1990s to the paperless and digital best practices of the 2000s, the API and Cloud revolution of the 2010s and the AI revolution happening now. This insight and experience allows him to know which parts of the small business ecosystem must change and which things also never will. From executing exits, to planning retirement, growing and downsizing businesses – he has helped business owners accomplish every goal that they might have and is uniquely positioned to help any business owner and family achieve their goals. His background includes the tax, accounting, operations, investment, family office and banking which means that he brings both the bottom experience of advising business in the trenches to the higher level top down experience that large financial institutions use to view the market.


We have a wide variety of capabilities that include all aspects of accounting, bookkeeping, taxation, finance, investments, and corporate administration and compliance. We can build a wide variety of engagements, including:

  • Low-touch engagements that cover monthly bookkeeping or annual tax prep.
  • Ongoing engagements that include monthly reporting and on-demand support for taxes and investments.
  • High-touch engagements with custom reporting and accounting processes, investments analysis and advisory, M&A support, and fundraising assistance.
  • Full outsourcing of accounting and operational systems, including compliance and entity management.
  • Family office establishment and operation – direct management of multigenerational wealth, investment, and tax strategies as well as compliance, administration, and cash management.